Sunday, May 8, 2011

New TeamSplash Contest

So here's how it works gang. Once TeamSplash Productions gets 100 likes everyone will be entered in a raffle to win DVDs, Pens, Stickers, or an entire TeamSplash Productions Press Kit. Pretty cool, but now I know you have some questions.

Frequently Unheard Questions or FUQs

How does TeamSplash Productions know who is in the raffle?
If you are one of the people who "likes" us when we do the raffle, you are in the raffle.

Can I get more than one raffle entry?
Why yes you can, I love your enthusiasm.

Well... How can I get more than one raffle entry?
Hold on to your diaper Mr. Fancy Pants. There are a few ways to do it.
  1. Share us on your Facebook
  2. Watch & Comment on our YouTube page (
  3. Tag TeamSplash Productions in comments on your own page
  4. Post TeamSplash Productions pictures and content on the Facebook Page
Where do you get your ideas?
That is a little personal, dont you think? But I think that our relationship is ready for the next level so I'll tell you, perhaps over dinner?

Who is asking the questions here?
I thought you would know that by now! I take back my last stated comment. I know you are a strong person, and so am I but WE just arent strong enough together...

Well I hope this helps you participate in the TeamSplash Productions 100 Likes Facebook Contest.
See you Soon,
TeamSplash Productions

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